Friday, January 24, 2020

What Do Southerners Talk About In The Winter?

The same thing Northerners talk about-the weather.  They don't talk about snow here, but they are always talking about how cold it is.  The difference between here and the North is 20-30 degrees depending on the day.  Southerners are freezing with temperatures in the 40's, bundled up like Eskimos and sitting in front of heaters in their offices.

As I delivered boxes to a regular customer the other day, she said, "is it cold enough for you?"  I said, "not really, I'm from the North, so it's not bad.  What I'd really like is just five minutes of snow flurries."  That comment got her attention and she said she never wanted to see snow.  I told her how much I loved watching the snow fall and then she looked up and said, "Dear Lord, give this man what he wants, but only on him."  After I stopped laughing I said, "can you imagine me standing outside with snow only falling on me-that would be fun!"  She said, "I only want to see snow on TV, nowhere else."

That is the typical reaction of southerners and frequently it's even the people from the mid-west or north who just have had enough snow in their life.  During the next week or so we're going to have temperatures close to 60 and I'm wearing shorts every day.  For some southerners, just seeing me in shorts will make them colder. But, it will give us something to talk about.

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