Sunday, August 23, 2020

Eating To 60 And Beyond (Part 3)

It finally happened.  I was eating at the age of 59 and just like that I was stuffing my face at 60 years old.  This week I crossed off another 15 items on my food list.  I should mention that as of a week ago I had not gained any weight the past few weeks and maybe had lost a few pounds that I had sweated off working.  However, after my magnificent meal for my birthday on Wednesday and eating the leftovers on Thursday and my special desserts on Friday, I probably did gain a few pounds this week. I've had several people say that I should have pictures on my blog, but I don't know how to do that.  However, I did get technical help from my youngest daughter and we should start with this picture. Here are the highlights from the week and the food that I ate from my list.

JIM DANDY AND STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE: I decided to celebrate my birthday on Friday after a shorter day working and back to back incredible dinners, by visiting Friendly's.  The Jim Dandy is an ice cream sundae with whipped cream, strawberry syrup, coffee ice cream(of course) and bananas and no nuts.(I have to make sure they don't put them on) I've been eating this sundae for forty some years and have probably had more than a hundred of them. It looks a little different than it used to since they have changed the dish and the bananas don't stick way out of the bowl, but this is a fabulous tasting treat.

Strawberry shortcake is something I rarely have, but I've had it at Friendly's a couple times and a few other places. I decided to have both at the same time and had no problem eating them.  The strawberry shortcake sundae had two scoops of coffee ice cream on it, although I've had it with vanilla ice cream before.  A couple at a table nearby was excited to see me eat them and I told them it was for my birthday. This is the first time I've eaten a Jim Dandy with no one else at the table.  I did feel full when I finished and I won't tell you how many minutes they lasted on my plate.  I did eat some dinner four hours later and I did not have any dessert, although I did take two Tums before going to bed.  This was a lot of fun and they both tasted terrific.

RING DINGS/DING DONGS: My son-in-law taunted me by showing me a huge box of Ring Dings in New Jersey since I was having trouble finding them in South Carolina.  Fortunately, I found them at Wal-Mart with a slightly different name and I enjoyed them although they were much smaller than Ring Dings.(chocolate with white cream inside)

SUZY Q'S: I've blogged about them before since they stopped making them for a year or two.  I found them next to the Ding Dongs and they tasted better and they are cheaper at Wal-Mart! How about that?

TURKEY LEGS: Our trip to Disney was canceled in July and one of the things I was looking forward to was having a couple of big turkey legs, but fortunately my wife made them for me. I ate them, every single piece and I gnawed on the bones.  What a great meal!

CRANBERRY SAUCE:  With chicken or turkey it is a must and I ate most of the pieces.  It's not something I have very often and it was fun to eat it again.

MACARONI SALAD: Of the three salads, cole slaw, potato salad and macaroni salad, I've always enjoyed the macaroni salad more.  It's great with burgers, hot dogs, chicken, or most meals.

PRIME RIB: Steak/prime rib is without a doubt one of the best tasting foods.  The prime rib on my birthday was a little rare and I got a bone to gnaw on too.  It was fabulous!

CORN-NO COB: Using a fork and not my teeth on the cob, I ate this hot one night and cold the next night.

WATERMELON: A healthy dessert which is almost always refreshing.  It's very difficult to just eat a couple pieces, but it's a great summer food.

ICE CREAM CAKE: I like ice cream and I like cake, so this is one of those combos that I really like and it was our dessert for my birthday meal and it was perfect.

WHITE RICE: I've always loved hot, white rice.  When we got Chinese food when I was young I would always have some extra white rice with nothing else on it and I still love it.

SHELLS: Nothing special about shells, but in school as a kid I always had shells with meat sauce and this week I ate shells with sauce. The shells were small, the big ones are even better.

GREEN GRAPES: A common food that is healthy.  It's a great snack in the car and Wal-Mart always seems to have big grapes that taste great.  I could eat these every day and I usually have them three or four days in a row.

COCOA KRISPIES: Still my favorite cereal, with milk in it and not orange juice which I've blogged about doing accidentally a few times.  Sometimes when I'm really tired in the morning I go for the Cocoa Krispies and they wake me up.

For those of you keeping score at home, I've eaten 38 of the 60 on my list with two weeks to go.  There are at least a few of these foods I won't be able to eat, but I'm doing the best I can!

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