Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Ninja

The pace in the South is definitely slower as I've mentioned before.  The driving is slower, the walking is slower and the working is slower, for the most part.  Every once in a while you see someone hustling and they really stand out.

I was delivering to a busy clothing store today and the manager who was busy, told me to leave the boxes by the door to the backroom. Usually I bring them all the way in, but she was too busy to open the door for me.  I left the boxes and went out to my van to get six small cases of water.

When I got back in she told me to put them on the box that was there, but it wasn't the one I left. She had already moved the several boxes inside and was back doing what she was doing.  I said to her from a distance, "that was very quick of you."  Her reply was, "I was a ninja in my previous life."  It was a funny comment and I would have loved to follow-up with her on it, but, she was very busy.

As I left I said, "have a good day, Ms. Ninja," and she did laugh at that.  I know her employees watch how she works and I know as I'm walking quickly in a hospital or to my car, there are people watching me.  It is more relaxed here, but if you want to move quickly, you can.  However, you will be noticed, but usually I'm too busy to care who's watching me.  The manager probably felt the same way.

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