Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Weekend Off At Home

I don't take too many weekends off from "Ubering" and when I do, we either have company or we're traveling. Last month, I decided to take this weekend off to give my car a rest.  I'm still trying to preserve my "Uber vehicle" a little bit longer so Ford can get my car to me.

I had no plans and since I am nursing a sore knee, I was literally going nowhere.  Picture this: I am sitting on my screened porch reading a book with my water bottle by my side.  I'm looking out at a pond and blue sky with clouds and the temperature is 72 degrees on December 18th. I am wearing one white compression sock and one black one and I'm icing my knee.  Below is the view I had all afternoon.

After spending most of the afternoon reading and icing in this position, my wife asks the magic question: "Do you want to go out to dinner?" I wanted to say, "do I look like the kind of guy who wants to go out to eat tonight?" I held my tongue and threw a better question back to her, "where would you like to go?"  The answer of course was "nowhere."  We have this routine where she wants me to pick the place, but she almost always doesn't want to go there.  After I pick twice, I say, "where would you like to go?" And, typically that's the place we go.

This time I had an advantage since I was icing my knee.  I asked if she wanted to get something to bring in and she said yes and my first suggestion was: pizza.  It's not one of my favorite foods, but she said okay and we had pizza at our own table.

Why can't it be that easy all the time?

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