Wednesday, February 1, 2023

My Favorite Rider Comments in January

The first month of the year and below are my favorite comments.  The top 30-40 are the best of these and near the bottom I have a separate section on some of the comments about me or my car.

The intelligent and creative guy explained about a woman he used to be with: "I fell in love with all the moons that circulated around her."

Woman in sales: "When I was eight, I sold my younger brother's action figures door to door. The neighbors thought it was cute, my parents and brothers didn't."

After getting a pierced nose, she was pleading with her boyfriend to get some cream from the drugstore, "I don't want my nose to fall off."

Lawyer's advice about law school if you're not passionate about being a lawyer: "Don't pay someone to make you miserable."

The manager of the band, "Widespread Panic" said that "We hold the record for consecutive sell-outs in Red Rocks." (67)

She: "I used to have a crazy dog. The boxer was a killer. He had five skunks under his belt and we had to get rid of him after he got loose, broke into a neighbor's house and killed the cat."

Woman: "I usually get about five hours of sleep. I have 3 cases of Red Bull at home and I drink three cans a day."

Picking up "Speedy Montana" from Louisiana: Me: "I thought you'd come running out of the building." Him: "I am pretty fast." Me: "How did you get to be fast?" Him: "Running from the police."

Woman who lives in Italy on what she likes in the USA, "You can go outside in your pajamas and no one cares."

She is a bartender in Greece and she told me, "I think the pizza here in Charleston is better than in Italy. I'm here for the slices."

She moved from New Jersey to Vegas and then moved to the South. "I probably would have died if I moved straight to the South. Being in Vegas prepared me for the friendliness in the South."

Respiratory Therapist from the north on his first week working in the South: "I almost got fired the first week for talking to a supervisor. You have to be cocky in Boston or no one trusts you."

Male: "I'm 27 and I give relationship advice to people. I hit rock bottom and lost everything due to drugs and decided to change because I saw how it was affecting my mom."

Living in Colorado for 13 years, the chef and guitar player said, "I've seen 500 shows at Red Rocks. There's nothing like it in the world. If you have the chance to see a concert there, just do it.  Talking about it is bringing me to tears."

Cook: "There are two kinds of people in this world, people who make food and people who eat it."

She: "Sometimes you don't know how your personality can brighten someone's day."

The young female attorney just won her first big case after an Amazon tractor trailer hit her client's car from behind. "We won $30 million for her. I have a cool life."

He spoke almost no English, but two minutes into the ride, the translator he was holding said, "I don't speak much English since I've been here a short time. I'm going to give you a bill from Chile." (To add to my foreign currency museum in my car)

Woman: "Every time I was making a big change in my life I would have the same dream that my teeth had fallen out."

She: "I worked answering phones at a spa and when I saw people walk out after five minutes with a smile on their face, I said, 'I can do that.' I'm an esthetician now and I love it."

Getting out of my car the young Uber driver from Charleston said, "I have to step my Uber game up."

"In Greece most people wake up at 9 am, have dinner at 10 pm and the bars get busy at 1 am and close at 5 am."

The retired accountant said, "Being retired, I don't care what numbers add up to."

Telling the man who was with his adult daughter, that one woman thought the Ravenel bridge looked like a bra, he said, "They look like pointy nipples."

She: "My dad has written down his dreams every night since college.  One night he had a dream about a guy that he hadn't seen in many years.  The next day he got a call that the guy suddenly died giving the eulogy for his mom."

She: "My dad always told me that, 'Above the clouds there is always the sun."

The navy guy told me, "During the pandemic I was in a supermarket and I sneezed and the look I got you would have thought I had said a racial epithet." Me: "Were you wearing a mask?" Him: "Probably not."

Female Uber driver: "My sister and I used to make fun of my cousin who was an Uber driver. We called him: "Uber Everywhere Ron."

She: "I was born where the gila monsters live. They were cute." (Southwestern US and the lizards can be 20 inches long.)

The woman said, "My life is a comedy."

The cancer colon researcher told me on a Sunday, "I have to go in and feed the cells every day or they will die."

She: "We didn't find many French restaurants in Paris, there were a lot of restaurants for Americans.  We had to look one up online and found one down an alley in a basement and it was packed and the food was amazing!"

The luxury chef from Long Island said, "My business really took off after the first few months of the pandemic. A lot of people wanted to have private dinners in their home."

Bartender in strip club: "I once had a 67 year-old man who came in on his birthday looking to take one of the girls home with him. It didn't work out well for him. He wasn't tipping them well enough to even get them to talk with him, but he gave me a lot of details what he wanted to do with them."

The assisted manager of a gas station: "The customer told me there was a naked man in the bathroom building a bird's nest. I walked in and there he was with newspapers all around him on the floor. I walked out and said to myself, 'What do I do now?"

The 20 year old guy and his brother, a jeweler, are starting a new business, turning ash into diamonds. "We have an LLC and a patent to turn deceased ashes into diamonds. I got the idea when I told my brother that he liked diamonds so much that when he dies I'll turn his ashes into a diamond. Two cups of ashes equal one karat."

The woman from New Hampshire gave me some good news about their famous squatter, "River Dave." She: "He ended up moving away and living with family in a different state."

She: "My friend was going to her college orientation and asked me if I would come with her. I signed up and went to school for a year."

The woman in HR said, "I once had someone who was upset so he left his urine sample on my desk."

She: "It's going to be a good day."

She: "My name, Noemi, means happiness in Italian."

"In Washington state, summer always begins exactly on July 5th.

A woman named Xavier: "I don't know how my mom came up with the name, maybe she wanted a boy or she was drunk."

The cook said, "We're just throwing it down in the kitchen."

She: "We were going to Dollywood once and the GPS took us on a dirt road up the side of mountain and we wound up in the back staff parking lot."

When she moved from Harlem, NY to the south where her family was, she said, "It felt like I was from here."

The only woman to ever talk about Hugh Hefner, "He must have had a bad childhood."

Intelligent guy advice to his wealthy clients: "The most important thing is figuring out who you really are."

The lawyer said, "When I realized I could help people, I decided to be a lawyer.

The very large guy used to work in construction. Working in a restaurant his manager told him he shouldn't lift all those plates. He said, "I can squat those plates."

He: "The highest state paid job in every state is a head football coach."

Male: "I used to be a Tugboat captain in Staten Island and now I'm a Harbor Pilot helping ships dock."

He: "I once picked up a baby alligator and it bit me."

He said, "I had a pizza career. I went from dishwasher to manager. I said I'd quit every year until I did."

She was named Maleiva after an African singer. The "i" is silent but causes many to mispronounce her name so she gave her daughter the name as her middle name, without the "i".

Citadel cadet: "They say that they want you to walk about 120 steps per minute on campus, but it's really around 160 steps."

He: "I find insects to be very interesting, how they build their homes."

When she moved from Harlem, NY to the south where her family was, she said, "It felt like I was from here."

She: "I moved out of Washington state, because nothing was going for me."

The Ship Surveyor was leaving for Buffalo, New York to check on some ships. Me: "Can you do that in this weather?" Him: "I'm going to find out."

She: "I do U-tube videos with six of my friends, we're trying to promote our channel."

Male: "I used to be a Tugboat captain in Staten Island and now I'm a Harbor Pilot helping ships dock."

The woman in law school said, "It's tough, but you have to put this first."

                            COMMENTS ABOUT ME AND WHAT'S IN MY CAR

She takes 17,000 steps a day working in a parking garage. Me: "How about we switch jobs and I get some exercise and you can eat all the snacks I have today?" She: "At the end of the day you'll aske me why I had no rides, because I'll just pull over and eat."

Me to the rider: "I guess you noticed all the money hanging in my car?" Her: "Where?" Me: "It's everywhere, the money." Her: "I thought you said bunny." Me: "If there was a bunny hanging in the car, you would have said something."

He: "I'm sorry I don't have any currency for your car, but this South Carolina police patch can help you avoid a parking ticket."

Older man: "I just gave away a bunch of old Belgium and Germany bills at my garage sale, I could have given them to you."

I told the woman that I had an extra bill from Argentina and I could give it to her. She: "How much should I pay you?" Me: "No, I'm going to give it to you for free." (She did tip me)

She: "Where do you get your mats cleaned?" (I just cleaned them before she got in)

"You brightened our morning."

He said, "Keep on doing a good job Ubering."

About my car set-up: "This is the coolest thing ever. I neve had a better ride than this."

The young man said, "I love your vibe. You need to keep doing what you're doing."

She: "Your car is so interesting and unique. You're the best Uber driver ever."

She: "I'm so excited to be in this back seat."

She: "This is a historic Uber."

She: "This is the best ride since ever.  I am so happy."

She: "This was an awesome ride."

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