Thursday, February 9, 2023

What I Learned At The Comedy Show

How much can you learn at a comedy show? The purpose of going is to be entertained and when we saw Jim Gaffigan, I was entertained. I was surprised that I learned three interesting things which I did not know.  You, however, may find it amusing that I did not know these things and hopefully my view of what I learned is some entertainment for you.

NO PHONE SHOW: We were standing in front of the entrance to the coliseum and there was one other couple there. They told us that the next night, comedians Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle would be performing there, but it was a "no phone show."  I had never heard the phrase, but a number of comedians and some Broadway shows have started doing them.

Below is a picture of what happens: you walk into the event and put your phone on vibrate or off, or a smart watch and you hand it to someone who puts it in a Yondr pouch and the pouch is locked.  Yondr is the name of the company that created it.  You hold on to your phone and if you need to use it, you go to a designated area and they open the pouch.  At the end of the show you do the same thing before you leave.

I can understand if someone is in the hospital or you have a babysitter you could do this, but wouldn't it be easier to just leave the phone in the car? Reading up on this it is advertised as a way for a show to go on without distractions. However, comedians in particular have gotten in trouble for things they have said at performances when they have been filmed or recorded by people who did not follow the rules of the show. I heard later that this show went on for three hours and that Rock and Chappelle made jokes about everyone at the show. Two couples told me that the phone bag was not a problem at all. 

THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT?: It's called Shazam? I thought that was a movie about a superhero. It actually is, below is the superhero, who has nothing to do with what I learned.

My wife and I were in the coliseum and there was music playing. Suddenly, she grabbed her phone and did something and I asked, "What was that?' She heard a song that she liked and the Shazam app identified what the song was and saved it.  I'm not sure what else it does, but that was pretty impressive. I wonder, does it know Allan Sherman songs and the Partridge Family songs too? Yeah it was cool, but I don't want to put another app on my phone.

DID THEY TAKE MY IDEA? On the way home my wife amazed me, as usual.  She told me that our youngest daughter had bought something that lets you track a wallet, keys, or luggage if you misplace them. I thought she was making it up, but The Apple Air Tag is a real thing.  Below is a picture of the pack of four for $99.

If you lose something with this on it, you can go online and it will show you where it is.  I've talked many times in the past that when I lose something it would be great if you could say, "I give up." Only then could you go to a computer and hit a button and it would show you where you lost it. In my example, you can no longer get the item, it's gone. Here, for a mere hundred dollars, you can get it back.

Technology continues to advance and it is not slowing down anytime soon. Fortunately, I don't have to participate in all of it, but maybe you do?

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