Friday, February 17, 2023

"The Power of Fun"

Back in December I read a short article about a book that came out in 2021, "The Power of Fun," by Catherine Price. I read some other info on the book and knew that I had to read it. I asked my wife to get it for me for the holidays and I just finished reading it this past week.  

The subject of "fun" has been interesting to me for about three and a half years ago. As an Uber driver I picked up four young women in Downtown Charleston and after the 1.2 mile ride, the young woman wrote a comment on the app that we, "Had a magical evening ride." It was a great ride, mainly due to her sense of humor. I gave it a lot of thought on what made it a great ride and my conclusion was that is was just pure fun. I put a note above my printer and it simply says, "FUN." There have been many times since then I have thought about it and decided I was going to do something fun or turn something into fun.  

As I write my book about my Uber adventures I have realized that many of my favorite rides were simply a lot of fun and it has been sometimes difficult to explain the fun I had.  That ride in Charleston is ranked as my second favorite ride partly because I realized that any ride could be a great ride and I wanted to have more fun in my life.

In the book, she describes what fun is and what "true fun" is.  She explains that "true fun is like magic." Frequently "true fun" comes when you are interacting with others, and it's good for your health, mentally and physically.  She explains what happens when you are enjoying "true fun" and how you can do more fun things in your life.  She used many personal experiences that her and husband had, friends and people that she met. When she asked her young daughter what fun looked liked, she said, "sunshine."

Since 2009, my business name has been the, "Sunshine Man," and right above my head while I drive is a sign hanging that says, "If you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine." I like to think that one of the things I do is spread sunshine to others. If you're looking for more fun in your life, you should read this book-it was fun to read.


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