Thursday, December 14, 2023


I saw these words in my son and daughter-in-laws house in Colorado.  My first thought was when and my second thought was how? When I stood outside in Colorado in sixteen degree temperatures cheering my dog on, "Go potty, go potty, potty, potty, potty," I realized the answer. There are only so many times you can do that with a straight face in freezing temperatures without starting to laugh.  I did not take a selfie at that moment, sorry.

The next day, an article popped up and gave me more answers and none of them had to do with laughter. So, when I got home I did some research and this is what I found out:

1.  Dogs keep you more active and healthier. People who regularly walk their dog actually live longer and you, "Improve muscle tone, increase mental clarity, control obesity, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease." Why am I taking vitamins?


2. Pet owners have lower blood pressure? Is that what happens when I can't get our dog Odin inside at night from the yard? I don't feel my blood pressure diving. The article said that people who don't have dogs have a 20% better chance of getting a heart attack. But I'm picking up gallons of poop, is that really a good deal? And then, I have to put the little bags in the garbage bag to go out to be picked up!

3. It said, "Dogs reduce stress and improve mood." When they are asleep they do?  I was just in Colorado and there were four dogs running around me, four!  Okay, they do say it increases levels of serotonin which is associated with feelings of happiness.  So, when I go into the bedroom in the morning and Odin just woke up and I sing to him,

"Good morning, good morning, and how are you today.  

Good morning, Good morning Odin, it's gonna be a great day.

I guess I'm feeling happy, but my wife is listening to me sing and that is just annoying and it's Odin's fault. They say that playing with your dog, "Changes your brain chemistry." (For the better??) Pictured below is Odin trying to wake my wife up while she hiding under the blankets.

4. I love this one: "Dogs boost immunity and fight allergies." Again, I'm taking vitamins for that, do I really need more? Do they know what vitamins cost?  They say that having a dog you get used to some dirt which helps you build up immunities. Isn't it easier to take vitamins?

5. "Dogs help detect disease." Why am I going for a check-up with my doctor when I have a dog?  The article really says that dogs can detect cancer and changes in their owner's body including abnormal blood levels. You have got to be kidding me!


I understand that they are great for companionship and affection and for some people it helps also with depression.  But, if having a dog is so great, shouldn't everyone have two of them? NO!

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