Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Man in The Garage

At first glance you might think this is about a TV series that you can watch online, but actually this is about my neighborhood.  We have one street with a lot of people moved in and then there a couple streets like ours that have a few people and a number of empty(sold and unsold) houses.

But the man in the garage was unusual, until I realized there were several of them.  The first couple times I saw the one guy I didn't think about it, but then it hit me-why is someone sitting in a hot garage?  Our garage is like an oven and when the garage door is open it's just a little cooler.  My wife said that a lot of people sit in their garage, but I'm not sure why.  Then one day I saw him playing a guitar and the light bulb went on.  Maybe he goes into the garage to play music?  I don't know for sure, but at least that's something. 

Then, I realized there was another guy in his garage.  All the way down the same street on the same side a guy with a wife and two kids, got rid of his garage.  He has a man cave instead of a garage.  You can look inside because it's all open, but it's enclosed and see it's a living room-in his garage.  How does he live without a garage or basement and two kids? I'm not really sure how he manages that feat.

Finally, one more man in the garage-it was me.  I started delivering some free newspapers/circulars and I had to bag them in my garage.  It was much cooler at 5 am., so I sat there watching a beautiful full moon and bagging newspapers. And then I realized that if someone else was awake they might wonder what I was doing sitting in my garage.

Keep in mind that the next time you wonder about what someone else is doing, someone else could be wondering what you're doing and it may be exactly the same thing!

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