Sunday, January 1, 2023

Favorite December Rider Comments

I was going to ask the young woman my trivia question about the Ravenel Bridge, so I said, "You know the Ravenel Bridge?" She said, "It's my last name." Me: "Your last name is Ravenel?" She: "Yes, R A V E N E L." Are you related to Arthur Ravenel, who the bridge is named after?" She: "Yes, he's my uncle. He's 95 and I was just with him for Thanksgiving."

She told her supervisor, "I can control my mouth or my face, but not both."

A woman who is in recovery told her boss at the barbecue place, "If I could smoke meth all day and do nothing, I can certainly smoke meat. I'm going to get a t-shirt that says, "I smoke meat, not meth."

I asked the woman, "What do you think the Ravenel Bridge was built to look like?" She said, "Missouri," but she meant the arch in St. Louis.

The GPS said, "Pick up the Greek letter symbol G." His name was Gotti and he wasn't Greek, but the font was different for his name and he thought it was hilarious.

 She: "I like the idea of people, but when they open their mouth I know why I need to have alone time."

Young man who lives locally talking about Mt. Pleasant: "I was in a liquor store and girls were wearing see-through shirts. That's how they are in Mt. Pleasant."

The woman in her 80's said, "My brother moved from South Jersey to Montana in 1980. Someone put LSD in the salad at the local steak house and his 7-year old daughter was told that she couldn't go to a dance unless she had a date. He said, 'That's enough.'"

Her daughter is 6. "I still remember the first time she gave me that  "What The F _ _ _ _" look."

The woman had a rough year which included a divorce. She said, "2022 can F _  _ _  a duck," which I believe is an original comment.  She's going to publish a children's book next year and she added, "I'm going to kick ass in 2023."

One of the three women pointed at another and said, "My first ex, was her second ex.  We used to hate each other and now we're going to a concert together. The third woman joked she was their daughter.

She's a substitute teacher and with a Doctorate in English and she is asked sometimes by students, "Are you a real doctor?" She usually says with a smile, "Put it this way, if you suddenly fall down with a heart attack-you're going to die."

She and her husband moved from Buffalo NY which has brutal winters to Detroit, Michigan: "Our first winter day in Detroit was -45 degrees. We found out that the cold in Detroit causes the snow in Buffalo. You have to have serious long underwear in Detroit."

Young guy, "I had the worst pizza in my life last last night. I ordered it and it was cold and I threw up all night. I threw up pieces." Me: "You wouldn't happen to have any pictures, would you?"

Growing up in the South, her dad always complained about "The Yankee" doing something. She said, "I didn't know until he died that he was born in New York."

The security guard explained why he wore steel shoes: "I can't throw a punch, but no one wants to be kicked by a steel toe."

Working at a restaurant, he said, "I'm the only one who says yes all the time.  You have to use your power for good not evil."

The CPA said on Saturday at 9 am, "It's going to be a long day. I'm going to take a nap first."

She: "We were friends for 13 years and one day I had a glass of wine and now we're together."

Woman: "Why do men call you so much? They are so clingy."

I told him that I had never been to Jamaica and he said, "You should take a small vacation to Jamaica for two to three weeks."

She: "I'm obsessed with animals.  I grew up with 8 dogs, 5 cats and 8 fish in a fish tank."

The guy said he sells beer and I told him I had a salesman who said, "I sell software in my underwear." He replied, "I'm better drinking and talking and I wear pants, it sucks."

Her name is Kingsley, which is mostly an English boys name. In 2021 there was only 224 girls named Kingsley. "I like having a unique name and one day I'll name my daughter Annistyn."

Man who retired and then unretired: "When I retired, my wife thought that all my down time was hers."

36-year-old man: "The forties are the best times of our lives."

He: "When I lived in South Korea I took up biking and biked the 400 miles along the border of the country in five days."

He: "Whenever I get in an Uber I learn something."

The two young couples had been drinking. After telling them I had a 33-year-old daughter, one woman said, "You look like you're 32." Me: "I did just say I had a 33-year-old daughter." She replied, "You never know." When I showed a picture of my wife, she said, "She's beautiful, you got game."

"I became a chef because I saw how much food costs and now I get free food every day."

She was going to church on Christmas Day with several bags and wrapped containers. "I have 96 chocolate cookies for people." Me: "You couldn't make another four to round it off?" She: "I was up all night. I have to make more for people who aren't getting any today."

She: "I had 10 sisters and one brother. I lost one sister in the church shooting here(in Charleston) a few years ago, but we honor the nine people lost every year."

"I miss living in New York, but not enough to go back."

The mother of two teenagers said, "I'd like to see the internet go out for three months.  Some people would be out of their mind."

She: "When I was seven I was concerned that Santa wouldn't be able to visit since we didn't have a chimney. My mom said he would come through the fire escape, but I didn't believe her."

The female welder said, "Welding is drawing with fire."

The intelligent chef said, "Knowledge is the weapon to conquer the world."

"My dad always said if you have fun with what you do, you'll never work a day in your life."

Getting out of the car he said, "Why are you so nice?" Me laughing: "I'm from New Jersey."

I told them I drove from Myrtle Beach to Charleston just to pick them up. She looked at all the money in my car from other countries and said, "Did you go to all these places to pick up riders too?"

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She used to be a server at Waffle House and said, "I always spent time talking with my customers. It was Christmas Day and I was talking with an older woman and we were sharing some of the personal things we were going through at the time. She told me that every Christmas Day she goes to another Waffle House and eats chocolate chip pancakes because that's the last meal her son had before she lost him. When she was leaving I said, 'I'll see you next time', but she said, 'You won't see me again.' I thought maybe she was really sick or she was my guardian angel. Her bill was on the table and she left me a $75 tip. I kept the bill." (She texted it to me an hour later and it said in big letters: "PROUD of YOU!")

She told me about her ex-husband who was in the Marine Corps seventeen years ago. "He was supposed to be home for Christmas, but the plans changed and they had him overseas in the Middle East and they weren't allowing him home until the end of January. We were disappointed and worried about him. I was with his parents on Christmas Day and his dad went out and picked him up and he just walked through the door to surprise us.  It was a special moment and his mom was crying because she didn't know he was coming home either."

She: "When I was about 10 years old, my friend came over three days after Christmas. She was wearing a beautiful pin on her shirt and I loved it.  I told my mom and she said that I got the same one. We argued until she realized that she forgot to give us all of our presents. She was hiding them because we would open them and seal them back up. She forgot where she hid them, we teased her for years about this. I have kids now and I've done the same thing, sometimes I forget where I've hid the gifts."

She: When I was 9, we didn't have a lot, but I found some presents with my name on it in my grandmother's closet. I opened them up and took them and put them in my closet. I got whupped good by her and she gave all my presents to my sister." Handing her the gift card I said, "This doesn't make up for all the presents you lost, but now when you tell the story it has a better ending." She was very happy.

Taking her to her company Christmas party, she told me, "Last year at the party, I was new and they pulled names from a hat and gave away money, up to $5,000.  I won $300."

He: "When I was 22 I had a few days off and we wanted to get pizza-in New York. The five of us drove from Charleston to New York and stayed over night with someone. The next day we got two pies and drove home. We had a great time."

His family was in an airbnb when the hurricane hit recently in Florida. He said, "We were moving into our new house in a few days, but it was delayed. The roof was damaged, but we had one of the first houses to get repaired. The storm lasted 12 hours and we stayed in the airbnb. The owner wanted to kick us out, because our lease was over, but with the State of Emergency we were able to stay. She lived in California and had no idea what was going on. She wanted to get the airbnb ready for the next people, but the building was a mess."

Living in South Korea for 16 years, the American businessman said, "We loved it, it was like living in the U.S. in the fifties."

She said, "If you're not happy in Charleston you only have yourself to blame."

"I got no gifts for Christmas, but the chance to see 2023."

She: "I was having trouble sleeping, but my Uber driver suggested I have a beer. I had half a beer one night and slept well."

He: "Whenever I get in an Uber I learn something."

After taking pictures of my foreign bills hanging in my car, korean woman said that through her app she had "only a hundred friends will get to see this."

The Bojangles manager said, "Some people don't like to work." Me: "Do you mean employees or people you interview?" She: "A little bit of both."

He: "I've had 450 Uber rides this year and only one problem. The guy was playing some loud, monster type music. I've never heard anything like it.  I wanted to get out of the car and when I did, I looked around to see if I was being filmed."

She: "I had a driver in Charleston give me a water and a plastic bag with crackers and Oreos in it when I got out of the car."

She: "In a relationship you have to make sure the shoe fits before you wear them."

Her name is "Blessing." "My mother was having a very difficult time when I was born and they declared me dead with the chord around my neck. They were able to save me, so I'm her blessing."

I told the woman who is used to being single, "I don't know what it's like to be single."  She said, "I'll tell you, it's fun."

He: "My dad always told me to start work early."

From the north, she said, "People down here walk too slow."

The very unique woman accurately said, "You'll never meet anyone like me."

I asked the three people in Charleston, "What are you in town for?" The mother said, "We were here for the murder trial for our son who was killed three years ago. We got justice."

Her name is Wyntre. "My mom was watching TV and someone had a daughter she named Wyntre."

"During the pandemic, the zoom meetings were very important and they are still going on today."

She was telling a joke about Dubai and I misheard the punchline. I thought she said, "Funstuff," but she really said "Flinstones." She lectured me by saying, "It's funnier when you hear the joke the first time."

Man from North Dakota in Myrtle Beach: "The food is so good here. If I lived here I would weigh 500 pounds after at year."

Speaking with a couple who both work with numbers a lot, I asked, "Who is better with numbers?" She said, "He likes people more than I do."

Man who sells plastic pallets: "Wood is not good."

Her first name was Zhreamier. The Zhr in Chinese sounds like a "d", so her first name is pronounced "Dreamier."

Woman is her early fifties(?) said, "Young men on these dating sites are looking for "Sugar Mammas."

At 72 years old, the realtor said that he's, "Having too much fun making money to retire."

Shipping clerk for a lab asks a lot of questions: "I'm 47 and for this for time I'm really excited about going into work."

Speaking with a couple who both work with numbers a lot, I asked, "Who is better with numbers?" She said, "He likes people more than I do."

She hurt her leg in the Army when the driver fell asleep and they crashed going down a hill which forced her out of the army with a disability. She said, "Things work out for the best."

Me: "What do you sell?" She: "I sell people, I'm a recruiter."

He's a hair stylist and said, "I create an experience for my customers."

Deciding not to go into the military like her family, she said, "I prefer not to that way with authority, nothing against the military."

She: "I was not expecting this from my Uber."

Getting out of my car, she said, "You're in the 1%. That's the best ride I've ever had."

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