Monday, January 9, 2023

Would You Want a Rooster Waking You Up?

I am interrupting my Five Year Anniversary of blogging posts to tell you about my food shopping adventure with my mother-in-law.  I know when I'm with her that the unexpected will happen or be said and sometimes it is really too funny to keep to myself.

My mother-in-law told me that she needs to get a timer, so we went over to housewares in Wal-Mart.  I tried not to ask, but the urge was too strong. I said, "So, what are you going to time with a timer?" She didn't give me an answer, (Which is not unusual) but then she said that she wanted a small one that is simple and you just wind it up, so I don't have to get out of bed. I took another shot at understanding, and I said, "You know you have a time, an alarm on your phone." She said, "But, I don't want it electronic."

That is when I started laughing and said, "Are you looking for a rooster?" When you say "Not automatic," are you talking about radiation again?" She was, she doesn't keep her phone near her bed because she's afraid of the radiation and she can't get up quickly to shut the alarm off. 

Once again, I explained to her, the reason they have alarms is so when they go off, you get up and shut it off. I feel like Seinfeld saying this, but, "That's the purpose of an alarm clock, to get you up." She was laughing too, but I said maybe I would get her a rooster for her birthday. This looks like a nice one, doesn't it?

Below is a picture of her looking for my rooster, or something that wasn't radioactive.  She did not find what she wanted, but I know this is going to be a running joke for a long time. (Excuse the pun)

I was looking online and I found a great rooster for her.  This is a vintage alarm clock rooster and it only costs $199.  I don't think she's going to go for it, but I think it's makes a rooster sound when it goes off. It could be worse-you could be waking up to hear someone playing "Bohemian Rhaposdy" on the piano. That has happened in our family, but I can't tell you about that.

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