Wednesday, January 25, 2023

FIVE YEARS OF BLOGGING-2022: The Traveling Man

 I left South Carolina seven times this year, more than any year in my life.  Here are some highlights:

The Forever Purse

My wife purchased her first special Brahmin purses and I was told that they were made so well that they are, "forever purses." I guess they are going to be around awhile with us.

Costco's Finest

The sold $101 million dollars worth of chicken in 2020 and lost $30-$40 million dollars because they haven't changed their price of $4.99 in thirteen years.  Yes, they are delicious.


In mid-March, after waiting for 10 1/2 months, my orange car finally appeared in South Carolina.  It has been great and well worth waiting for.

The Vacation House

We rented a house in Orlando for the family and it was not just an ordinary house.  We had a great time and I even got to eat chicken in Harry Potter World with a fire-breathing dragon above me.  And, no one in my family will forget the story behind my first cup of coffee that I drank since I was constipated:
I ordered my first cup of coffee by text in the bathroom, which I'm pretty sure does not happen too often, if ever.  A few minutes later, a hot cup of medium roast coffee with sugar and creamer, appeared at the door. I did not tip my wife for the delivery, but I drank it pretty quickly.

Golfing-In The Twilight Zone

There were a number of fun moments in my short trip with my brother in Las Vegas.  Playing golf inside in a dark, Twilight Zone themed course was one of them.  This could be William Shatner looking out of the window at that goblin on the wing.

Two Sloppy Joe Sandwiches

Learning the history of the two special sandwiches was interesting, but this one is my favorite.

Am I Ted Lasso?

The Apple TV show, "Ted Lasso" definitely has an optimistic view of life, especially through the main character, Ted Lasso. Our oldest daughter said he reminded her of me. I may remind you of him. Below I am doing my best Ted Lasso impression without saying anything positive.


Our ten day trip to Colorado was filled with incredible pictures and many memorable moments with our family. The bridge, the Camel's eye, Coors Field, my breathing vent, the gardens and majestic scenery throughout are only a few. Below is one scenery picture. However, the oddest sight I explained that we saw on a front lawn: I just barely saw it, but my wife said it was a female mannequin wearing a yellow dress and blue hair. You would think I would focus on that, but next to it was a sign that said, "Don't Fake The Funk."

How Does A Dog Pee in A Hurricane?

I have written some funny blogs, but explaining how our dog Odin peed in our shower on grass after I did, has to be one of the funniest blogs.  Below is Odin getting his turn. 

"I Traded Gandhi"

The idea of trading foreign currency that riders gave to me sounds ridiculous even now. But, I actually traded this beautiful bill with Gandhi on it and just recently got a different one with him on it.  He is on the top left bill.

My Wedding Toast

In October, our son and daughter-in-law were married in Pennsylvania.  Below is a picture of that day.

The Sour Cream Question

I found out that there are other people who eat sour cream by itself, although I may be the only one who adds bread, blueberries, strawberries or bananas to it.

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