Sunday, May 13, 2018

And You Thought You Had Problems?

I admit that I am a number's guy. It is true that the last fourteen months that I lived in NJ I picked up money from the ground and collected $90 which paid for my parking and some of my tolls.  But, I have to admit that this story in the news last week is way beyond my comprehension.

You may have heard last week that a man in Wisconsin ate his 30,000 th Big Mac.  Think about that for a minute, or sixty seconds.  He's been eating two Big Macs for 46 years, since 1972 when George McGovern ran for President.

Growing up, my family would sometimes get McDonalds for dinner and my wife and I have both told the story that when we were dating my Dad would call the McDonalds and order eleven Big Macs.  Each one in our family would eat two and my wife would have one.  I still can't figure out how my sister ate two of them, but the Big Macs were ready when we went to pick them up and there were never any leftovers.

Back to Wisconsin- family and friends gathered around Donald Gorske to celebrate his record breaking feat.  Most of the stories did not mention that he also saved the wrappers, receipts and bags for the past 46 years as proof of his "accomplishment."  Think about that for another sixty seconds.  He is in the Guinness Book of World Records and somehow he is still in good health.

He explained that to him a Big Mac tastes like "chocolate."  His wife jokes that when she has to put them in a blender that this will all be over, but he doesn't think so.  His brother is proud of him now, but he was skeptical forty years ago.  He says that his brother has been on "a neat journey."

You have to admit that people are different and there are somethings that are almost impossible to comprehend.  We all have problems, some big and some small.  But, the next time a problem is bothering you, take sixty seconds to remember this: there's a guy in Wisconsin eating two Big Macs a day and he has 46 years of wrappers, receipts and bags that he's been saving.

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