Tuesday, May 15, 2018

"Oops, I Did It Again"

Does that sound like it could be a good title for a song?(Dad-it was) Do you remember when I wrote about how much milk you need to drown out the orange juice that's accidentally poured into your cereal? Yes, I did it again and this time it was really ugly.

It was Cocoa Krispies again that suffered this morning.  What makes Cocoa Krispies so good is the combination of the cocoa and the milk you pour in.  It really goes well together! Now, orange juice and cocoa, not so good.

What happens if you pour your normal amount of liquid in and you don't realize it until after you're done? I had just written down on the grocery list that I needed orange juice and I figured I'd be okay on milk and then I accidentally made sure that was the case.  I didn't use the milk and I used more orange juice!

At that point I decided not to use extra milk to drown out the orange juice and there was no way I was going to throw out Cocoa Krispies, since it goes for about $10 a box.  I ate it.  I ate all of it.  It did have an after taste, mixing cocoa and orange juice.  It took awhile to get the taste out of my mouth.

Where do we go from here?  I'm going to have to turn the lights on I think and stop getting my cereal ready in the dark. Or, I'm going to have get more orange juice and less milk.  Whatever happens to me, here's my advice: don't put orange juice in your cereal.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha this was too funny! Especially "It was Cocoa Krispies again that suffered this morning."
