Thursday, May 5, 2022

"That's Why You're So Sick"

That is not a comment from one of my riders, although you could say my mother-in-law was riding in my vehicle when I took her food shopping.  I have been taking her food shopping every few weeks for a few years now.  If you haven't taken your mother-in-law food shopping, I recommend it.  I'd go as far to say, if you don't have a mother-in-law, you should see if you can borrow one.

When I left to pick her up today, my wife said, "I'd say have fun, but...." I told her I always can find things to laugh about. I've posted about my food shopping adventures with her before. She buys all these vegetable and I have to put these tree branches and awful looking things in plastic bags for her to eat later. I don't have to worry about being hungry when I go, because there's no way I'm eating any of that.

Today, my mother-in-law warned me that she was in a "teaching frame of mind." We started with the red onions, which she wanted me to pick out.  I reminded her that I don't eat red onions and wouldn't know a good one from a bad one. She explained not to buy bagged ones( that's where they hide the bad ones) and to examine each one closely.

She educated me that the honey or vinegar (does it matter which one), sometimes is mixed from different countries and that is not good to eat.  But, when she got to the maple syrup, that is when she hit the jackpot and really made me laugh.  She pointed to one brand that was pure syrup without sugar and then she pointed to the "evil" one and said, "this one has sugar in it and that's why you're so sick."

If I had been drinking water I certainly would have spit up right on her.  Instead, I laughed out loud, when to the other side of the aisle and continued laughing.  Two things came to mind: 1. If the maple syrup with sugar really caused you to be sick, how much syrup would you have to have to get sick? If you had a dozen pancakes a day soaked in syrup and did that for a few months, would you really be sick or just overweight? If you drank the syrup from the bottle, how many bottles would it take for someone to be really sick?

2. I'm more than 20 years younger than she is. I am pushing her in a wheelchair and pulling a shopping cart through Wal-Mart, how sick could I be? I drive, she doesn't and I drive over 1,000 miles a week.  I'm not going to go into her health problems, but other than a knee that is "bone on bone", eating too much food regularly, and some high cholesterol, I'm pretty healthy for almost 62 years old. 

She did give me a very good laugh today and I just wanted warn all of you-beware of the maple syrup! The below syrup is 64 ounces for $47 and it's organic too. How sick is that?

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