Friday, January 19, 2018

Flipping Off The Flip Phone

I am so close-I am almost there. The moment my wife and kids have been waiting for is about to happen.  It could have been today, it will be this weekend.  I am about to transfer from a flip phone to an I-phone, or is it i-Phone.  I have no idea, I haven't been trained.

They have been telling me I should make the switch month after month after month. It's been going on for years.  It'll be more fun, I'll get more done, I'll be able to text whole sentences, It can count my steps, I can sit in my car and look at my e-mail, I can watch TV shows on my phone-there are so many wonderful things I'm going to be able to do-when I have my own i-phone or I-Phone.

I told our mortgage guy I was "making the switch."  He said, "don't do it, it's the downfall of society.  When I got my i-Phone(or I-phone) my beard was black and now it's grey."  I don't have a beard, will I be able to grow hair back now?  I told my Dad on the phone yesterday that I was going to get a "real" phone.  He said, "you mean a landline?"  I guess I can call it anything I want-maybe George.

I've been procrastinating.  I have the time to be trained and the phone is now charged, for a second time.  I think tonight before I shut off my flip phone I'm going to open and close it a few times and say, "Scotty, beam me up."  Maybe he will and I won't have to do it right now?

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