Monday, January 8, 2018

Kicking Seashells and Ice Skating on The Beach

No, they are not the two newest Olympic events and I can guarantee you no one has written about this before and never will, but here it is:

In South Carolina we have ice on the beach which is very unusual to see. When are you ever near a beach when it's cold enough for ice?  Walking on the beach yesterday I saw from a distance a few kids who were "ice skating."  No skates of course, but they were sliding across ice patches and having a great time.  I was never any good on skates as my wife can attest to holding me up many, many years ago when we went "skating."  So I tried it once, skating on the beach. It was fun, for a moment or two.  Can you imagine "skating" on the beach and falling and breaking a bone and have to tell people how you got hurt? Unlikely, but I'd try it again, if there's any ice left after the heat wave we're about to get.

Have you ever tried to kick seashells right side up on the beach?  It's very difficult to do.  Monika was picking up seashells which were very nice and I was trying to turn them over when they were upside down.  They do tend to break when you kick them so you have to be gentle or just crush it, when you get frustrated.  I think I'm going to have more practice at this "sport" and my goal is to get really good at it.

Next activity: simulated tennis-when you pretend that someone is on the other side of the court and you are really playing, but you're not.

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